
Contortion Class (Recording from 12/16)

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Contortion Class (Recording from 12/16)

3 ratings

This is a 1 hour and 45 minute Zoom Recording (without interruptions from live students) of my contortion class. Things we focused on class include:

* 30 minute proper warm up

* Shoulders and upper back drills on wall with yoga blocks and foam roller

* Oversplits with cues on elevated surface

* Back warm up, cobras and waterfalls 

* Bridge wall drill

* Chest stand warm up

* Foam roll chest stand

* Chest stand sequence

* Chest stand arms forward/chest stand stamina

* Handstand tick tocks

* Handstand stamina

* Bridge to forearmstand press

* Cross arm flying cobra

* Two contortion sequences at the end!

1 Min Hold and Cool Down at the end

Equipment that will be helpful for class:

-Yoga mat or padded surface

-2 yoga blocks

-Wall space

-Stretchy strap with loops or resistance band

-Elevated, padded surface against a wall such as a chair, couch, or bench

-Foam roller

-Weighted object: between 5-10 lbs is ideal

-Peanut roller

-Tennis ball

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You'll get access to a 2 hour recording of my virtual contortion class where I demo every exercise and give proper cues.

423 MB
112 minutes
640 x 360 px
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